The target market is becoming larger as trampoline park is becoming popular among families have children and young people. Some parents are afraid that playing in the trampoline park will harm their children's bodies and doesn't benefit their school study. While I should say, play in trampoline park should be encouraged. Here are the reasons why children should be supported to go to a trampoline park.
Intellectual development
A trampoline can promote children’s brain and intelligence development, such as trying some of the more difficult exercises on the limbs. Children will continue to discover new techniques that can be carried out on a trampoline and learn to persist in strengthening perseverance. Persistence can help build the self-esteem of children, especially for children who can use the trampoline independently.
Promote communication
Trampoline allows you to work out with your children. Promote emotional communication between parents and children, which matches the evolving trend of parent-child education. What’s more, your accompany will bring warm memory to the childhood of your children.
Burn off extra fat
Trampoline exercises are better than any other physical exercises such as jogging and aerobics. They burn off excess fat in a short amount of time. According to a research, the rebound movement is 68% more efficient than jogging. The calories burned by the same person for one hour of basketball are more than one hour of jogging.
Strengthen your bones
The trampoline strengthens your bones, muscles and cells, strengthens your muscle strength and stretch, increases flexibility, increases bone density and joint strength, and develops core and lower limb strength. Studies have shown that trampoline exercise enhances bone density and helps prevent diseases such as osteoporosis and helps reduce the risk of having certain forms of arthritis.
Promote detoxification
Trampoline exercise helps promote the body's natural detoxification mechanism. Rebound is a unique form of movement in which weightlessness is achieved at the top of each jump and landing. This makes it relatively easy to perform and stimulates the lymphatic system's one-way valve to open and close simultaneously, greatly increasing lymphatic flow. The trampoline helps to move the lymphatic system against gravity, removes toxins from the body, brings huge benefits to the lymphatic system, which improves overall immune function and delays aging.
Strengthen balance
The trampoline bounce helps the child to maintain a balance of weight, because the child should always resist the elasticity when using the trampoline. According to the study, children who used a mini trampoline for a 12-week exercise intervention had significant improvements in motor function and balance. This is because the rebound on the trampoline stimulates the middle vestibule and automatically improves the balance. When you jump on the trampoline, your body bounces back into the air at different angles. In order to adapt to these unexpected angles and possible outcomes, the body must find its own center of gravity and “rebalance” before re-landing. Through practice, you can better balance and be more adept at predicting your body movements based on how you land.
Promote cardiovascular health
Jump on the trampoline strengthens the heart muscle by Increasing your heart and respiration rate, cardiopulmonary exercise can enhance heart, pulse beats and strengthen the main muscles. Jumping movements have been able to improve your cardiovascular health for a long time, especially when performed regularly at moderate to intense intensity. This helps the heart become healthier as the child jumps and the muscles of the heart are strengthened. Rebound can also reduce blood pooling in the veins to prevent chronic edema. The American College of Sports Medicine recommends that American adults should receive at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per week to promote cardiovascular health.
Besides these advantages, trampoline has other pros need to be explored by yourself. With parents' knowledge about it increasing, the market will be more brighter in the future.
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