How long can viruses live on the indoor equipment of indoor playground?
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There are now indoor playgrounds in almost all malls, which is a godsend for parents who want their children to play, socialize with other children, and make the most of their suppressed energy. However, if your child visits these indoor playgrounds often, you need to know something about bacteria and viruses. A recent study in the United States found that indoor playground equipment may contain a large number of bacteria that can cause infections and can make your child sick. So how should you keep the indoor playground sanitized to make child play safely?

The following knowledge points are listed below:

  1.  Surface clean to wipe out the viruses

  2.  Perform a thorough clean

  3.  Have designated area for different functions

  4.  Advice for children playing at the indoor playground

1. Surface clean to wipe out the viruses

You may not see it, but the surface is dirtier than you know. Kids jump, slide, or touch the surface of a gaming device all day. As the owner of the indoor playground, you are responsible for regularly cleaning the playground surface to keep the play area safe.

Each surface has a different cleaning method. For example, most metal and plastic coated materials—the trick is to clean them with a damp cloth and a mild detergent. On the other hand, other materials require soft brushes and even paper towels.

Before you start buying and cleaning your gaming device, first know how to clean and maintain its surface. Each gaming device has a manual for you to check. Another method is to consult the indoor playground equipment manufacturer for a deeper explanation.

2. Perform a thorough clean

Pathogenic bacteria are one of the common causes of illness in children. It can enter a child's body in many ways. So, cleaning your gaming equipment of the indoor playground is also important.

When there is something sticky or a lot of dust on your indoor playground equipment, clean it with soap and water. Also, make sure to use non-toxic cleaning products that are safe to clean your device.

The final step is to disinfect your gaming equipment to remove pathogenic bacteria, fungi and bacteria. Do this often to prevent the spread of the disease.

3. Have designated area for different functions

Give your indoor playground a designated area for everything. For example, separate your snack area from the playground, and there's a place for them to wash their hands and throw trash. This not only reminds everyone of a specific venue, but also promotes cleaning.

You can eat only in the snack area. Parents and children can clean their hands and throw garbage before entering the play area to keep the indoor playground clean and hygienic

If you want to extend its life and make your indoor playground safe for children and parents, it is important to take good care of the indoor playground equipment.

4. Advice for children playing at the indoor playground

If you are concerned about excessive bacteria on sports equipment of the indoor playground, please pay attention to the following suggestions:

l Use hand washing products from the indoor playground.

l When you get home, have your child wash their hands thoroughly with soap and hot water after playing. This is especially important before meals.

l Let your children play in the sun. Ultraviolet rays kill bacteria. Shaded devices are more likely to have higher bacterial counts.

So now you know bacteria and viruses can last their life very long on the surface of the indoor playground equipment. It is very important to keep the equipment clean for the next round of children to playing on it.?

Title:How long can viruses live on the indoor equipment of indoor playground?
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