How do you keep someone safe at the indoor playground?
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Every year, many children are treated in hospital emergency rooms for injuries at indoor playgrounds. With careful supervision, many of these accidents can be avoided.

You can check the equipment for potential hazards and follow some simple safety guidelines to keep your children happy and safe at an indoor playground.

Is it important to teach children how to play safely? if they know the rules of the indoor playground, they are less likely to be injured. So here are some of the tips.

The following are the tips:

  1. Parents'supervision is important for indoor playground safety

  2. Teach child about the indoor playground safety

  3. Equipment safety guideline of indoor playground

  4. Parents'supervision is important for indoor playground safety

Adult parents can help prevent injuries by ensuring that children use playground equipment properly. If an injury does occur, an adult can help the child and give any needed first aid immediately.

Children should be supervised by adults on the indoor playground. Keep your eyes on small children (sometimes older), because they can't always determine distance, and they can't anticipate dangerous situations. Older kids like to test their limits on the playground, so it's important for adults to control them.

Before you visit a indoor playground, check to make sure the play area is designed so that an adult can clearly see all the equipment the children are playing.

There are many marking methods to choose from, considering the material to be marked, cost, marking conditions, etc.

Teach child about the indoor playground safety

Another key part of indoor playground safety: Children must know how to stay safe and take responsible action on the indoor playground.

Children should know:

(1) Do not shove or disturb on climbing frames, slides, seesaws, swings, and other sports equipment in an indoor playground.

(2) Proper use of equipment-slippery feet, do not climb the fence, do not wait on the swing.

(3) If children are going to jump off the equipment or slide down, make sure no other children are blocking their way, then touch your feet with your knees slightly bent.

(4) Keep bikes, backpacks, and bags away from equipment and play areas so that no one will trip.

(5) Always wear a helmet when riding a bicycle, but take off your helmet when exercising on the  indoor playground.

(6) Never use wet playground equipment, as humidity can make the ground slippery.

(7) Check  indoor playground equipment in summer. It can become uncomfortable and even dangerously hot, especially metal slides, handrails, and steps. So have good judgment-if the device is hot to the touch, it may be unsafe and not fun to play. Contact burns can occur in seconds.

(8) Wear clothes without a drawstring or rope. Drawstrings, purses and necklaces could be caught by the device and accidentally strangle a child.

Equipment safety guideline of indoor playground

Swings, slides and climbing equipment of the indoor playground have different safety issues. Some equipment is not safe on the indoor playground, no matter how careful the children are. And inform the child to follow the rules of the indoor playground.

(1) In the children's indoor playground, socks must be worn at all times.

(2) Before using the facilities in the game center, please remove your shoes, hairpins and sharp objects.

(3) Do not bring food or drinks into the indoor playground.

(4) Walk every moment; don't run!

(5) It is recommended that older children give way to younger children.

(6) Always respect other children; do not shove, hurt or beat other children.

(7) Parents and guardians aged 18 or over must accompany their children at all times, except for children receiving drop-off services.

In short, children are less likely to get hurt if they are taught the dangers of using indoor playground facilities and follow the rules.

Title:How do you keep someone safe at the indoor playground?
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